July 2022

  1. What Themed Beds Are Best for a Child's Bedroom?

    Are you thinking of redecorating your child's bedroom? Perhaps they have outgrown their existing bedroom décor or maybe now that they are old enough to know their own mind, they are asking for a specific bedroom theme! If so, you might be considering whether or not to redecorate your child's bedroom in the requested style. There are plenty of potential... Read More
  2. The Launch of eFurn!

    As you know, here at the Children's Bed Shop, we specialise in children's beds and accompanying furniture. If you are reading this blog post, then you have most likely been browsing through our website to see if you can find a suitable bed to buy for your son or daughter. Perhaps you are also thinking about purchasing a new bed... Read More
  3. Blanket or Duvet for Your Child During the Summer Months?

    At long last, we think that it is safe to say that the summer months are on their way! This year, summer 'starts' on Tuesday 21st June and 'ends' on Friday 23rd September. Now, we all know that this will be good news for those of you who love the heat and bad news for those of you who prefer... Read More

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